Thursday, June 16, 2016


                  While early-morning birds cheep-cheep, the squirrels
                  Bray and caw, enticing to our girls
                  Now eager for their outing in the yard,
                  Though catching any critter’s way too hard
                  As I toss to the squirrels handfuls of nuts
                  To stash away in their tall oak tree huts.

                 The dogs are now inside enjoying treats,
                 Rewards for their squirrel-chasing feats
                 They think, but rather for their having peed,
                 And now the morning regimen may proceed,
                 For shortly I’ll have polished off my poem,
                 They’ll have been fed, and we’ll set off to roam
                 The neighborhood to scan for cats while I
                  Bag up their poops, love never asking why.
