How we think determines what we see. More precisely: how we apprehend and comprehend and respond to the world is a function of our state of consciousness, which varies.
More generally, the data of all our sense organs is always filtered through and interpreted by what we call our consciousness, that function of our human mentality which “makes something of” the in-flowing stream of sensory data.
When sensory information impinges upon us, our “What do we make of this?” question is answered, more or less effectively, by a mental function we call “consciousness” that aims to “make sense” of what we sense—to construe it into a sensible construct: “Oh, that’s a butterfly, not a leaf; that’s a fog horn, not a train; that’s yogurt, not ice cream; that’s turpentine, not gasoline; that’s rayon, not silk.”
It therefore behooves us, all life long, to develop, expand, and refine our capacities for consciousness, for awareness, for discernment—if we wish to realize all that a human being can know.
And if we possess latent “extrasensory” senses, capacities for apprehending information by means other than our five physical senses—by “intuition” or “precognition” or “spiritual guidance” (as some allege)—then those potential capacities should also be enhanced.
“As a man thinketh,” so shall the world appear.