"Video-video-video," sings the bird
Outside my window as I write this verse,
Which, if this bird sings Latin, then that word
Proclaims, “I see,” a message clear and terse,
Instructing me in what a poet, too,
Alert now in the morning, ought to do,
Except my calling is to gaze inward
And search for what imagination sees,
Some linkage of ideas that’s occurred,
A notion that in form and sound agrees,
Yet this achievement only very few
Have both the wit and talent to pursue.
Outside my window as I write this verse,
Which, if this bird sings Latin, then that word
Proclaims, “I see,” a message clear and terse,
Instructing me in what a poet, too,
Alert now in the morning, ought to do,
Except my calling is to gaze inward
And search for what imagination sees,
Some linkage of ideas that’s occurred,
A notion that in form and sound agrees,
Yet this achievement only very few
Have both the wit and talent to pursue.